

浏览次数 : 1792
作者 : KSITECH News
更新时间 : 2020-04-28 21:37:56

Dear business partners,

The first half year of 2020 is coming to a close and what an unusual time it has been.The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting many people around the world in both their private- and professional lives.



KSI also faced the challenge of balancing an optimised work environment while safeguarding the health of each individual employee.We decided to implement two-working shifts, each with smaller teams, to reduce the risk of infections.



We would like to thank you, our valued partners, for your understanding and flexibility during these times.Your commitment to KSI and our products is truly amazing and we are confident that we can build on an even better future together.



We are very pleased to inform you that so far we have had no Covid-19 cases amongst our employees and their loved ones.The sense of responsibility of each individual team member has been outstanding and deserves a big thank you .



We understand that this gives no guarantees towards the future and therefore we will continue to stay alert and responsible in these times.


For now we hope that all of you and your loved ones will stay healthy, or as we like to say in Germany Bleibt gesund

现在,我们希望你们和你们所爱的人都能保持健康,或者用我们德国人的话说,Bleibt gesund

Yours truly,
The KSI International